Saturday, June 21, 2014


Here are some personal names that I coined or redefined when we were considering baby names and for fictional characters. Others appear to have come up with the same names, but these weren't in the baby name books at the time.

Name Gender Source Meaning/History


Amnesty fem. Mod. English a royal pardon

[Gr. amnēstos, "not remembered"]
Angora fem. Mod. English a silk-like wool from Angora, Turkey; now known as Ankara

[Gr. Ancyra, "anchor, bend" cf. angle]
Capriole fem. Mod. English a dancing leap

[Lat. capreolus, "a young goat"]
Chrysalis fem. Mod. English a cocooned butterfly

[Gr. khrusallis < khrusos, "gold"]
Clarion fem. Mod. English a medieval trumpet

[Lat. clario < clarus, "clear"]
Glory fem. Mod. English a modern form of Gloria
Haven fem. Mod. English a place of refuge or rest
Hoshana fem. Aramaic "Set us free!"

[Heb. Hosha' na', (from root at #3467 + #4994);
Grecized form = Hosanna]
Javelin fem. Mod. English a spear made for throwing

[Geraldine & Frances have similar meanings]
Joshana fem. Neo-Hebraic Ready to save

[Heb. yasha` na', (#3467 + #4994);
variant of Hoshana, using different verb tense]
Maranatha fem. Aramaic "Lord, do come soon!"

[Not historically used as a proper name]
Nissiah fem. Neo-Hebraic Banner of Yah[veh]

[Heb. nec (#5251) + -iyah (#3050)]
Reveille fem. Mod. English (REV-uh-Lee) a wake-up call

[Fr. réveillez]
Serenity fem. Mod. English peacefulness, tranquility
Victory fem. Mod. English a modern form of Victoria
Victrix fem. Latin a woman victor

[Lat. Victor + classical fem. suffix, -trix]
Vixen fem. Mod. English a she-fox

[allusion to vulpine traits like cunning, agility, red hair, etc.]


Claxon mas. Greek to roar, make a sharp sound

[Gr. klazo]
Elijah mas. Folk etymology (alt. meaning) Raised up by Yah[veh]

[Heb. Eliy (#5941) + -iyah]
Valor mas. Mod. English courage, bravery

[related to fem. name, Valerie]

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